Listening to: Queen Jane Approximately – Bob Dylan

I did see Marie Antoinette yesterday. It was slow – it went at about the pace of The Virgin Suicides, of which it reminded me a lot – but I liked it. Everything was beautiful, and I sympathised with Marie-Antoinette without actually sympathising with her (vive la revolution!), which was interesting to me. The soundtrack worked really well (especially the use of “Hong Kong Garden”), although I’d expected more of it (given the Never Mind the Bollocks title font, etc.). I gave it 8 stars on the IMDb, although I’d be hesitant to actually recommend it to anyone because of its slowness and Sofia Coppola-ness. But if you like that sort of thing, go and see it.

I just typed out a long and beautiful ode to the amazing weather we had yesterday, but WordPress (or maybe my internet connection) keeps eating things when I try to save them (I typed out my Marie Antoinette review so many times in the last fifteen minutes that I don’t even care anymore whether it’s coherent), so I’m afraid I can now only offer the abridged version: There was a storm. It lasted most of the evening (from about six until well after midnight). It made the sky very pretty, and was cool.